Where to Study Screenwriting in South Africa

Hello, fellow screenwriters. Today’s question is “where do I study screenwriting in South Africa?” Well, today, I’m going to guide you through some fantastic options to jumpstart or advance your screenwriting journey in this vibrant country.

University of Cape Town (UCT)

Let’s start with the prestigious University of Cape Town. UCT offers a Screenwriting course within its Film and Media Studies department. This course is not just about writing scripts; it’s a comprehensive dive into storytelling, character development, and understanding what makes a film work from the ground up. The scenic campus and its diverse student body provide a rich backdrop for inspiration and creativity, making it a top choice for many aspiring screenwriters.

AFDA: The School for the Creative Economy

Next up is AFDA, renowned for its film school but equally commendable for its screenwriting programs. With campuses in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, and Port Elizabeth, AFDA offers a Bachelor of Arts in Motion Picture Medium and Live Performance, which includes substantial screenwriting components. The practical approach of AFDA helps students not only learn how to write scripts but also understand the production process, providing a well-rounded education in the creative economy.

Wits University

Wits University in Johannesburg is another excellent institution that offers a Screenwriting course as part of its Film and Television Division. What’s unique about Wits is its focus on both the theoretical and practical aspects of film. The course covers various genres and mediums, giving students a broad base from which to explore their specific interests in screenwriting.

Online Learning Platforms and Personal Resources

For those who may not be ready to commit to a full-time academic program, or are looking for flexibility, online learning platforms like MasterClass or Coursera offer courses taught by industry giants. Additionally, I’ve developed a series of online screenwriting courses available here, tailored to guide you through every step of the screenwriting process.

Furthermore, don’t miss out on my best-selling book, The Guide for Every Screenwriter. This all encompassing screenwriting book is designed to help screenwriters at all levels navigate the complexities of the industry, offering practical advice and insights to refine your skills.

Networking and Workshops

Lastly, don’t underestimate the value of local workshops and networking events. Organizations such as the Writers Guild of South Africa often host workshops and seminars that can be invaluable resources. These events provide not only learning opportunities but also the chance to meet and collaborate with fellow writers and industry professionals.

Embarking on a career in screenwriting is an exciting journey, and South Africa offers a range of opportunities to learn and grow in the field. Whether you choose a traditional university course, an online class, or to engage with the local writing community, each step you take is a move towards mastering the art of storytelling. Keep writing, keep dreaming, and remember, every great script starts with the courage to type “FADE IN:”.

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