- The Book Authority

Unlock the secrets of screenwriting with this essential guide, perfect for new and seasoned writers alike, packed with clear templates and compelling examples to master everything from concept development to formatting!




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What's included

Get insider tips on character development, plot structuring, and industry networking. Learn to protect your work and build your brand with expert advice and actionable insights. Turn your screenwriting dreams into reality with this essential resource.

Must have for every screenwriter's desk!


I love this book! It's one I really enjoyed marking up, highlighting in and making notes on the side. It helped me get unstuck on one of my screenplays and it's one I reference back to often.

Marq Scheyder

Geoffrey D. Calhoun inspires screenwriters like none other!


My husband and I have cowritten a screenplay. This ebook was highly recommended to us from a friend. It's priceless. Full of sage advice on how to write them, format them, to selling them. Bought it on Amazon. I've read it 3 times all ready. It's a MUST-HAVE if you're a screenwriter with current examples, templates, and more.

Lee Bice Matheson

The Essence of Process and Business


It was so relieving to have the screenwriting process and business it boiled down. I have read every book referenced in this guide. Sometimes, those books can overwhelm or confuse more than they help. This guide, however, is something that can sit next to the screenwriter as a quick companion when the writer is at work.

Derek Nicoletto

Some Serious Knowledge Nuggets!


I listened to the author on the Indie Film Hustle Podcast with Alex Ferrari and he had some good things to say, so I picked it up.

When I picked up the book, I was like “I already know this stuff,” but then... BOOM.

The discussion of structure really landed for me as well as the discussion of subplots. Of course this means another rewrite, but I’m good to go, and thanks to the author for helping me get there!

Jim Henson


Great Resource For Emerging Screenwriters!


Really enjoyed this read. It was a quick and easy read but packed with some great insights and tips on writing screenplays! I’m inspired to write now! Let’s GOOO!!

Rolando Lamb jr

Excellent Guide for both New and Established Writers


This is a clear, concise, well written guide that breaks down the complex and essential elements of screenwriting, including exercises to develop a high concept story, all the way through to networking. The chapter on structure provides cutting edge information on subplots that will add depth and dimension to any story, while other chapters provide clear concise information, examples and exercises for writing loglines, the one sheet/synopsis, treatments and query letters. Of all the screenwriting guides that I have read, this is the one that I have highly recommended to screenwriting groups as well as filmmakers and other writers.

Thomas Doran

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Unlock the Secrets of Subplots with Clear Templates

Elevate your screenwriting with clear templates and visuals that break down subplot development. Seamlessly weave multiple storylines to interweave with your main plot, and create dynamic, compelling scripts. Perfect for new and experienced writers looking to enhance their storytelling craft.

Perfect Your Formatting

Master the art of screenplay formatting with on-page notes and a sample script included in the book. Learn industry-standard techniques for clean, professional scripts that stand out. Whether it's dialogue, action sequences, or scene transitions, my detailed notes and examples ensure you get it right.

Quick Flash
Unlock screenwriting secrets with this essential guide. Perfect for all writers, it includes templates and examples for mastering concept development and formatting!

Go Beyond The Script

The Guide covers essential tips on WGA registration, copyright protection, and mastering rewrites. Learn to handle feedback and craft irresistible synopses. Discover insider secrets about agents and managers, and perfect your pitch to make your script shine. Ideal for screenwriters ready to transform their work from page to screen with confidence and success!


Geoffrey D. Calhoun

Best-Selling Author/Screenwriter

Geoffrey D. Calhoun is a renowned screenwriter, best-selling author, and dedicated educator in the field of screenwriting. His journey to authorship began with an invitation to teach screenwriting to students in Ghana, Africa. From there, Geoffrey developed a series of comprehensive lectures. These lectures, honed through numerous seminars, eventually culminated in his best-selling book, "The Guide For Every Screenwriter."

Geoffrey’s practical experience as a produced screenwriter, with his work on network television, lends authenticity and depth to his teachings. He believes in the transformative power of storytelling and strives to make screenwriting accessible to all. His work, both in writing and teaching, is fueled by a deep-seated belief that everyone has a story worth telling and that with the right guidance, anyone can master the craft of screenwriting.

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What the Pros say about "The Guide"

"A true guidebook has everything you’d need to know, condensed and sanded down to the essentials. Geoffrey D. Calhoun has managed to compact into this volume everything useful I learned about screenwriting in three years of film school and thirty years in Hollywood, and more. It reassured me to see my work practices noted here, but also revealed how much more there is to learn. This guidebook covers everything from screenplay formatting to creating dialogue and characters. Both new and seasoned screenwriters will find valuable insights and tricks of the trade."

Christopher Vogler, Author of
The Writer's Journey

"Calhoun demystifies screenwriting with invaluable insights and practical advice. From developing characters and crafting plots to mastering dialogue and structuring scenes, this guide covers all facets with clarity. Packed with actionable strategies and real-world examples, it empowers writers to navigate the industry with confidence. The Guide for Every Screenwriter is the ultimate resource for turning your vision into reality!"

William Indick, PhD. Author of
Psychology for Screenwriters

“Geoffrey D. Calhoun, host of the Successful Screenwriter podcast has written a book just for you to clearly know how to format your script on the page and understand structure and character.  A Guide for Every Screenwriter can be your valuable writing partner."

Viki King, Author of
How To Write a Movie in 21 Days

“There are so many books on screenwriting. Most of them can leave people feeling more confused than when they started.

Geoffrey D. Calhoun cuts past the verbose film school expository, and gets straight to work, delivering a sample-driven checklist that anyone can follow. What’s remarkable about this book is how quick it is to apply to your work. It serves as a side-by-side checklist for the writing process.

I recommend this book to anyone looking to write a screenplay, and to any professional needing a refresher.”

Kelly Schwarze,
Emmy Award Winning Director

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