Get insider tips on character development, plot structuring, and industry networking. Learn to protect your work and build your brand with expert advice and actionable insights. Turn your screenwriting dreams into reality with this essential resource.
Elevate your screenwriting with clear templates and visuals that break down subplot development. Seamlessly weave multiple storylines to interweave with your main plot, and create dynamic, compelling scripts. Perfect for new and experienced writers looking to enhance their storytelling craft.
Master the art of screenplay formatting with on-page notes and a sample script included in the book. Learn industry-standard techniques for clean, professional scripts that stand out. Whether it’s dialogue, action sequences, or scene transitions, my detailed notes and examples ensure you get it right.
The Guide covers essential tips on WGA registration, copyright protection, and mastering rewrites. Learn to handle feedback and craft irresistible synopses. Discover insider secrets about agents and managers, and perfect your pitch to make your script shine. Ideal for screenwriters ready to transform their work from page to screen with confidence and success!
Geoffrey D. Calhoun is a renowned screenwriter, best-selling author, and dedicated educator in the field of screenwriting. His journey to authorship began with an invitation to teach screenwriting to students in Ghana, Africa. From there, Geoffrey developed a series of comprehensive lectures. These lectures, honed through numerous seminars, eventually culminated in his best-selling book, “The Guide For Every Screenwriter.”
Geoffrey’s practical experience as a produced screenwriter, with his work on network television, lends authenticity and depth to his teachings. He believes in the transformative power of storytelling and strives to make screenwriting accessible to all. His work, both in writing and teaching, is fueled by a deep-seated belief that everyone has a story worth telling and that with the right guidance, anyone can master the craft of screenwriting.