Our experts are ready to get to work and dive into your Short, TV Pilot, or Feature script. With respect to your words and and a skilled hand, we review your script against industry standards. Our only purpose is to see you succeed. We leave the ego at the door. No attacks, no attitude, no judgement. Just you, your work, and us coming together to take your script to the next level. Once we complete your minimum of 4 pages of notes, we then provide you with a one-on-one webcam consultation (up to 60 minutes) with your expert screenwriter.
When breaking down your script we look at and consider:
Character, Plot, Structure, Format, Tone, Theme, Dialogue, and Marketablitiy.
Prices Include:
During your consultation we will discuss our notes and concrete suggestions on how to elevate your script. We encourage you to ask as many question you have about your story or about screenwriting in general. We are here for you!
*Due to script length, short scripts/webseries may receive less than 4 pages of notes.
**Due to demand please allow 7-14 days to recieve the in-depth notes service.